Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Waterloo, couldn't escape if I wanted to

You are all too correct ABBA. Another day has passed and I realize that this is where I belong this year. Even if it is just for the next few years of school...or the rest of the semester. I just needed to be away from my hometown and the ties that kept me back. Change can be bittersweet but right now the sweetness is going to need to take over....and motivation will have to kick in.

My first day at work was a test to my confidence but I'm planning on sticking to it. I find people don't really ever change. The kids who joined activities such as dance, music or soccer only to quit soon after will continue to be those people later in life. Unless of course, they are committed to change. I for one, was one of those kids. Still finding myself in a constant struggle to keep committed and focused. I've decided this year I won't have another past experience to look back on with regret. Something that could have lasted but was short lived. School and work will not be another failed attempt at an instrument or drop out from another team.

Sure, easier said than done. Regardless of how unrealistic my plans may be, I'm content in knowing that at least I have them. At least I have a spark of hope that someday things could be different. That everyone could become who they really wanted to be if they just threw away the excuses... got out there and tried. I like the expression " jump off the edge and build your wings on the way down" because it's so very true. If we just took the initial leap of faith that it takes to obtain our goal...we'd surely be able to pick up the pieces once we got there.

I'll work on making that initial jump........and pray those fucking wings don't bail on me

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